


How many times have you guys heard that Texas has the most bipolar weather everrrrr?!

 I bet a whole bunch of times huh?

That is such a true statement, during January we went from, rain, ice, tornadoes to amazing sunny days.

In particular I was in love with how amazing January 16th was.
It was such a beautiful day, the sky looked amazing.

Since the day was beautiful, I know I wanted to do something that involved being outside.

I decided to head over to Granbury, TX. 
Granbury, is only about 40 minutes from where I live, so we headed over to the town.

This little town is everything for me, it's old school and out in the middle of nowhere, which I love
The town is not saturated with fast food restaurants, stores which where we live is over saturated with everything you can imagine.
I enjoy to do things that get me out of my ordinary life, seeing different things is one of my greatest pleasures.
Their downtown is so small but lovely, with a few restaurants and local shops.

Each time we head that way we usually spend our time at the lake, they have a small "beach area" with sand and dock. 
Which we usually play for a bit and even dance.
This day we spent a few hours just sitting and admiring how beautiful the day was.

Love Always,

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